In April, our editor, Joe Lavigne, explained how employers can ensure trade secret protections while allowing employees to work from home during the pandemic. The article advised employers to restrict the transmission of trade secrets through social media platforms like Zoom. A recent decision out of Delaware confirmed that the failure to use Zoom privacy … Continue Reading
Recently, the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Fifth Circuit and Sixth Circuits reached decisions that analyze the enforceability of restrictive covenants in employment agreements. These decisions ultimately offer employers some valuable lessons when drafting employment agreements that contain restrictive covenants. An analysis of the decisions can be found here.… Continue Reading
AT&T Services, Inc. and its subsidiary, DirectTV, LLC (collectively, “AT&T”) sued Max Retrans, LLC (“Max Retrans”), a consulting company that works with local broadcasting companies to sell their content to Pay-TV service providers for re-broadcast. Background. Local broadcasting companies—like the local affiliates of ABC, FOX, CBS, and NBC—are licensed by the FCC to broadcast their television … Continue Reading
The recent decision in Wellogix, Inc. v. SAP America, Inc., No. 14-0741 (S.D. Tex. Nov. 10, 2014), demonstrates that federal courts can rely on contractual forum selection clauses to dismiss or transfer trade secret theft cases. It’s a reminder to weigh how these clauses could impact litigation strategies and to consider the specific language negotiated … Continue Reading
Following up on his recent post, Micah sat down with Colin O’Keefe of LXBN to discuss Facebook’s potential purchase of a massive trade secret suit. In the brief interview, Micah explains the suit’s background and its potential impact on Facebook. Check out what Micah has to say. … Continue Reading
A couple weeks ago, a company sued a competitor for allegedly stealing its trade secrets and hiring a key former employee, who developed the trade secret technology. But this is no run-of-the-mill trade secrets case. It involves some of the most pioneering figures within the gaming industry. ZeniMax Media, Inc., owner of id Software, LLC, publisher … Continue Reading
Non-Disclosure Agreements are now staples for start-ups seeking funding from third-party investors. But entrepreneurs shouldn’t rely solely on NDAs to protect their nascent trade secrets. You must think beyond the agreement—especially in tech industries where competitive advantages go stale quickly. Two recent blog posts highlight helpful strategies for tech entrepreneurs to begin this process, though in … Continue Reading